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Finalist 2006

Farah Nosh

Aitaroun, Lebanon – 1st of August, 2006


Residents of Aitaroun, in southern Lebanon, take advantage of a temporary halt in Israeli airstrikes to flee their village, site of a weeklong siege of Hezbollah fighters by Israeli forces, August 1, 2006.

Several families were trapped in their homes for several days while Israeli bombardment flattened many of the surrounding homes. At the time, these brothers feared leaving their father behind in the village, as there were only enough vehicles to evacuate women and children.


Farah Nosh is an award-winning photographer who has worked in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Syria, the West Bank, Gaza, and Egypt. Her work has appeared in leading international publications including The New York Times, TIME, and Newsweek. Nosh appeared on CNN’s Inside the Middle East segment entitled “Someone You Should Know,” which features personalities making an impact in the region. Her Iraq work has been exhibited in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, London, and Dubai.